174 CI AQUILAE (NR) Range: 8.8-16.2V Position: 18 52 03.58 -01 28 38.9 (J2000, from .dat file) Magnitude: 13.340 B-V=0.821 (in .dat file, during decline) ID RA (2000) DEC X Y N V ERR B-V ERR a) Comparison star sequence 1 18 52 09.1 -01 24 04 82 275 4 10.893 0.034 1.729 0.033 2 18 52 16.3 -01 24 08 191 272 4 11.502 0.022 1.721 0.016 3 18 51 48.5 -01 28 15 -227 24 4 11.769 0.023 1.448 0.016 4 18 52 10.5 -01 27 27 103 72 7 12.407 0.048 0.665 0.010 5 18 52 06.2 -01 22 42 39 357 4 12.617 0.110 0.749 0.048 6 18 51 46.8 -01 26 38 -252 121 4 12.858 0.011 0.916 0.008 7 18 51 49.8 -01 24 11 -207 268 4 13.212 0.027 0.902 0.017 8 18 51 52.3 -01 26 59 -170 100 7 13.525 0.017 0.969 0.012 9 18 51 54.4 -01 26 32 -138 127 7 13.647 0.023 1.080 0.011 10 18 51 59.1 -01 30 57 -68 -137 7 13.990 0.019 1.068 0.020 11 18 52 07.4 -01 33 18 57 -279 4 14.423 0.024 0.882 0.015 12 18 52 11.5 -01 28 23 119 16 6 14.849 0.018 1.169 0.016 13 18 52 06.5 -01 27 42 43 57 5 15.338 0.037 1.396 0.024 14 18 52 03.1 -01 28 46 -7 -7 3 15.470 0.008 1.199 0.015 15 18 51 58.1 -01 27 33 -83 66 5 15.568 0.014 1.200 0.027 16 18 51 57.3 -01 28 12 -95 27 5 15.792 0.026 1.749 0.027 17 18 52 13.0 -01 28 28 141 11 2 16.215 0.043 1.335 0.026 18 18 52 02.2 -01 29 47 -21 -68 5 16.695 0.047 1.505 0.050 19 18 52 02.7 -01 28 35 -14 4 4 17.440 0.087 1.466 0.187 b) Wide-colour extension for CCD calibration 18 51 50.3 -01 28 13 -199 26 5 15.401 0.022 2.728 0.085 18 52 05.1 -01 26 01 23 158 5 15.656 0.022 2.847 0.086 18 51 51.9 -01 31 00 -176 -141 5 15.829 0.043 2.922 0.088 18 52 06.4 -01 31 03 42 -144 6 14.707 0.018 2.924 0.047 Notes: 1. This is a very crowded and reddened field, which is the reason that I have included a number of stars that would normally be considered too red for a sequence intended primarily for visual observers. 2. Star #14, only 10 arcsec SW of CI Aql, is heavily contaminated by the bright variable in the new Henden field photometry. The magnitude and colour for this star is taken from the earlier photometry of Henden & Honeycutt, PASP,107,324,1995, obtained when CI Aql was faint. 3. AAVSO chart 1846-01, dated April 2000, shows magnitudes from Hipparcos and Tycho, as well as five fainter stars from Henden's field photometry. Four of these stars are common with the sequence given here, and have identical rounded magnitudes. These common stars are 4/124, 8/135, 9/136 and 10/140. The fifth star, labelled as 134 on the AAVSO chart, has a 14.6V companion only 5 arcsec away, and is not a good comparison star. It is not included in this new sequnce. 4. The Bouma and van Dijk chart for this variable, dated 12 June 2000, shows six stars in common, namely 1/108, 2/117, 4/124, 5/126, 6/129 and 10/140. However they used Tycho-2 magnitudes for stars 1 and 2, and those two magnitudes should now be replaced with the accurate magnitudes from this sequence, namely 109 and 115. The remaining fainter stars on the Bouma/van Dijk chart are replaced with this sequence, which are in general closer to the variable, and extend the Bouma and van Dijk sequence to fainter limits than provided by them. Bruce Sumner Revised 19 July 2000