232 AM HERCULIS (AM) Range: 12.3-15.7V Position: 18 16 13.27 +49 52 05.1 (J2000, from .dat file) Magnitude: V=13.073 B-V=0.285 (in .dat file) ID RA (2000) DEC X Y N V ERR B-V ERR a) Comparison star sequence 1 18 16 38.5 +49 54 20 243 135 2 11.771 0.000 0.929 0.004 2 18 16 04.4 +49 53 20 -86 75 2 12.198 0.010 0.589 0.004 3 18 16 10.3 +49 56 57 -29 292 2 12.462 0.006 0.505 0.000 4 18 16 13.5 +49 53 16 2 71 2 13.102 0.000 0.650 0.003 5 18 15 45.0 +49 51 26 -273 -39 2 13.198 0.010 0.394 0.006 6 18 16 26.8 +49 56 19 130 254 2 13.970 0.008 0.844 0.007 7 18 15 52.4 +49 49 16 -202 -169 2 14.081 0.011 0.665 0.007 8 18 15 58.0 +49 49 58 -148 -127 2 14.311 0.006 0.592 0.006 9 18 16 28.5 +49 53 57 147 112 2 14.729 0.000 0.664 0.018 10 18 16 19.9 +49 48 35 64 -210 2 15.318 0.011 0.947 0.016 11 18 16 05.5 +49 51 17 -75 -48 2 15.885 0.012 0.539 0.005 12 18 16 24.9 +49 52 27 112 21 2 16.445 0.000 0.746 0.004 13 18 16 24.3 +49 51 19 106 -46 2 16.486 0.014 1.007 0.049 b) Wide-colour extension for CCD calibration None required Notes: 1. There are two AAVSO charts available for this variable, a preliminary visual chart, 1813+49(f) dated June 1996 and a CCD chart 1813+49(f) dated December 2000. The following magnitudes are common: ID Henden AAVSO CCD Prelim AAVSO V B-V V B-V v 1 11.771 0.929 11.74 0.84 118 2 12.198 0.589 12.18 0.60 122 3 12.462 124 4 13.102 0.650 13.15 0.71 131 5 13.198 0.394 13.23 0.57 131 6 13.970 0.844 13.97 0.83 140 7 14.081 141 8 14.311 143 9 14.729 146 11 15.885 0.539 15.89 0.58 158 12 16.445 0.746 16.43 0.58 163 13 16.486 164 Bruce Sumner 26 September 2001