113 V SAGITTAE (NL+E) Range: 8.6-13.9V Position: 20 20 14.7 +21 06 11 (J2000, in .dat file) Magnitude: V=12.618 B-V=0.372 (in .dat file) ID RA (2000) DEC X Y N V ERR B-V ERR 1 20 20 10.9 +21 07 51 -53 100 3 12.326 0.013 1.609 0.014 2 20 20 25.4 +21 05 14 149 -57 3 13.126 0.017 0.379 0.012 3 20 20 14.6 +21 07 11 -1 60 3 13.244 0.023 1.216 0.019 4 20 20 18.9 +21 06 11 58 0 3 13.957 0.008 1.046 0.009 5 20 20 14.1 +21 06 09 -8 -2 2 14.319 0.004 0.891 0.010 6 20 20 11.4 +21 07 13 -46 62 3 14.445 0.017 0.633 0.016 7 20 20 06.8 +21 08 45 -110 154 3 14.657 0.028 0.730 0.014 8 20 20 22.3 +21 06 49 106 38 2 15.134 0.039 0.639 0.078 Some brighter V comparison stars are available on AAVSO chart 2015520(d) 1965. They are PEP measurements from Smak: 20 19 46.3 +21 14 42 -199 255 8.2 20 20 46.3 +21 13 42 221 226 9.2 20 20 41.0 +21 07 24 184 36 10.7 20 20 31.6 +21 10 04 118 116 10.9 20 19 58.3 +21 04 54 -115 -38 11.7 20 20 31.7 +21 11 48 119 169 12.6 Additionally three Henden sequence stars were also measured by Smak: Smak Henden 12.3 12.326 13.1 13.244 13.9 13.957 The Henden magnitude of the close companion, 10 arcsec west, was obtained on two nights of good seeing, Additional V and B-V measures have also been made of this companion: Herbig 14arcsec aperture 14.40 0.83 Williams 7arcsec aperture 14.34 0.96 Henden 8arcsec aperture 14.32 0.89 Ref: Williams, et. al.(MNRAS,219,809,1986) Herbig, et. al.(ApJ 141, 617, 1965) Henden, here. Bruce Sumner 14 April 1999