138 OU VIRGINIS (UGSU) Range: 14.7-18.9V Position: 14 35 00.24 -00 46 05.8 (J2000, single night) Magnitude: V=18.924 B-V=-0.201 (Henden, single night) a) Comparison star sequence ID RA (2000) DEC X Y N V ERR B-V ERR 1 14 34 42.9 -00 43 16 -259 170 4 11.689 0.000 0.398 0.004 2 14 35 06.7 -00 47 10 98 -64 3 12.390 0.008 0.520 0.006 3 14 34 45.7 -00 47 06 -217 -60 6 13.494 0.004 0.578 0.008 4 14 35 09.1 -00 45 24 133 43 7 14.346 0.010 0.914 0.004 5 14 34 44.4 -00 50 03 -237 -237 5 14.731 0.009 0.804 0.012 6 14 35 18.5 -00 41 16 274 290 4 15.188 0.008 0.647 0.010 7 14 35 16.5 -00 47 05 245 -59 4 15.735 0.006 0.591 0.008 8 14 35 07.3 -00 45 36 106 30 4 16.371 0.006 0.613 0.008 9 14 34 58.3 -00 44 41 -29 85 4 16.635 0.009 0.836 0.012 10 14 35 05.6 -00 45 36 82 30 4 17.391 0.020 1.043 0.064 11 14 35 03.4 -00 46 02 48 4 4 18.232 0.057 0.609 0.062 b) Wide-colour extension for CCD calibration 14 35 12.6 -00 44 53 187 73 3 17.080 0.009 1.353 0.020 14 35 22.9 -00 41 02 341 304 4 15.719 0.013 1.411 0.017 Notes: 1. During the determination of this sequence, a field star was found to be a previously unknown variable. The following observations are available, all obtained at Flagstaff Station during May 1999: Position: 14 34 43.1 -00 47 10 -257 -64 Date V B-V ERRORS May 13.7948UTC 14.677 0.863 0.003 0.004 May 15.7624UTC 14.275 0.882 0.002 0.004 May 16.7688UTC 14.323 0.911 0.002 0.004 May 18.8228UTC 14.631 0.976 0.003 0.005 2. Superhumps with a period of 0.0732d were first detected during the superoutburst of June 2000 (Vanmunster, et al, 2000, IBVS 4955). 3. The variable fluctuates markedly at minimum between at least V=18.1 and V=18.9. 4. Shown and Vir4 in Downes, Webbink and Shara (1997). Also previously known as LBQS 1432-0033. Bruce Sumner Revised 13 June 1999 Revised 16 April 2002