128 TW VIRGINIS (UG) Range: 11.8-15.2V Position: 11 45 21.21 -04 26 05.3 (J2000, from .dat file) Magnitude: V=15.153 B-V=0.093 (Henden, single night) ID RA (2000) DEC X Y N V ERR B-V ERR a) Comparison star sequence 1 11 45 38.6 -04 22 47 261 198 3 12.111 0.009 0.747 0.008 2 11 45 35.0 -04 27 38 206 -93 3 12.504 0.010 0.533 0.004 3 11 45 05.8 -04 21 41 -230 264 3 13.069 0.011 0.751 0.006 4 11 45 33.9 -04 30 34 190 -269 3 13.316 0.017 0.776 0.006 5 11 45 44.9 -04 23 02 355 183 3 13.717 0.012 0.781 0.011 6 11 45 02.6 -04 28 19 -278 -134 3 14.304 0.011 0.583 0.002 7 11 45 04.5 -04 29 10 -250 -185 3 14.569 0.008 0.808 0.010 8 11 45 20.6 -04 29 09 -9 -183 3 15.002 0.016 0.739 0.003 9 11 45 12.3 -04 23 37 -133 148 3 15.440 0.020 0.670 0.011 10 11 45 30.4 -04 24 29 137 96 3 16.122 0.009 0.891 0.004 11 11 45 12.7 -04 25 53 -127 12 2 16.543 0.021 0.613 0.007 b) Wide-colour extension for CCD calibration 11 45 28.2 -04 22 35 105 210 3 17.035 0.014 0.451 0.030 11 45 27.3 -04 30 13 91 -248 3 16.829 0.021 0.457 0.028 11 45 15.9 -04 22 30 -79 215 3 16.590 0.024 1.169 0.022 11 45 21.7 -04 25 38 7 27 2 17.996 0.084 1.173 0.069 11 45 44.1 -04 20 30 343 335 3 16.665 0.031 1.202 0.036 Notes: 1. The VSS RASNZ chart 1152 has the same sequence as the AAVSO chart 'e' dated 08/1992. Those two sequences are based on a photoelectric V sequence obtained by Richard Stanton. In addition Misselt (PASP,108,1996) measured two stars in common to both sequences ID V AAVSO/ Misselt RASNZ 1 12.111 12.0 2 12.504 12.5 3 13.069 13.0 4 13.316 13.3 9 15.440 15.4 15.489 10 16.122 16.160 11 16.543 16.6 Bruce Sumner Revised 9 June 1999